Hi there and welcome to my blog =). My name is Jen, Jenni, Jen Jen, Wartker (don't ask), but mostly Mom. I have been a makeup artist now for 19 years (insert singing voice) LOOOOOVE iiiitttt!!! I'm 100% self taught and LoVe sharing what I know with you! I started this blog as an "accident" really. A friend far away asked for advice on a look and I figured that the best way would be to do a video and post it...just for HER. Another friend asked, then my little sister (SO important that younger girls start off on the RIGHT foot with makeup) so I kept making more videos. It has been such a blessing to have a creative outlet like this and to actually get feedback? It's the best! My readers are so supportive and loving, thank you =)!!! I am originally from California (yay sun!) and now reside in Utah (yay snow?) I speak English and Russian and remember somewhat the Spanish my father taught us when we were little.
I have two cute rambunctious boys that are full of character, love and the occasionally sass =) and we were recently blessed with a little GIRL!!! She is our rainbow baby and we are so grateful to have her join us. My oldest loves basketball, Michael Vey, Harry Potter and Legos. My youngest? Well he just follows brother's lead, is a handful and our lives have never be the same since he came...not that we could live without him! Sophie is almost 3 now and loves to dance, sing and be all things girly!!! I adore hanging out with them and love that they are good sports for the occasional crazy pic ; ).
I met my darling sweetheart Kevin while I was living in Siberia of all places. He proposed at the Portland Rose Gardens a few years later and we were married in Oakland. We have been married now for almost 15 years and are loving life more than ever right now.
I also love to sing, hopefully when no one's listening and dance (if you watched MTV around the times of Global Grooves, you may have seen me LOL). I also LOVE home decor and crafty things. Got a blog you know of that I would love??? Email me!!! My favorite place in the world is Disneyland. Juvenile? Maybe, but that's me. I have performed there as a dancer, went countless times with my family, had my first date there with Kev and went there on our honeymoon. I always feel like a little girl when I go and start to get giddy just thinking about going again! Well that is me in the shell of a nut. Don't forget to follow to join the "Classy Fam" and check out my video tutorials on my YouTube channel if you haven't already, and you can find me on Instagram here. I want this blog to be a fun escape and an uplifting experience for anyone who happens by. Again, welcome!!!
xoxo Jen