
Vanity....A Girl's Best Friend

A vanity table that is =). This is where I store all of my goodies.


Merkley Jiating said...

You are so organized!

Becky said...

Wow, I love it!! I wish I had a spot for it. I could always get rid of the kitchen table and then I'd get lots of outside light too. Eating at the table is so over rated, right?? ;o) I'll have to think about that though, I love how everything is just tucked away from little hands.

Thanks for sharing!

Think Positive and SMILE! said...

Cool vanity there, Jen! At first, I thought -- "It just looks like a desk! Wha -- how -- huh??" : ) But then you opened it up! Cool! And that's cool that you mentioned possibly doing make-up for brides and senior portraits! You would be perfect for that!!!! I hope you're able to do lots of those! I wish we could SMELL your favorite perfume here on your blog!!! And I liked how you keep your "claws" on that light-post! Very cool idea! : )