
Get Your Perfect Color

PLEASE avoid this by going to your favorite local counter and have THEM choose what color of foundation and powder you need. They have had training and should be able to pick your perfect colors. DON'T let this happen to you!!!!!!!!


Nicole Hunter said...

Wow, that's pretty bad!

Zach and Codi said...

Thank you!! Can I just tell you how frustrating it is to match someone perfectly only to hear them say.... "I think this color isn't right." NO. Actually, the problem is that you don't know which color you truly are, and the color you have been matching (to the back of your hand-ARG!) is not the right color!! Or, to have them choose the color they would prefer to be rather than the color they truly are. I will admit that sometimes the people at the counter can get it wrong (matching can be difficult), but 8 times out of 10 they get it right. Like Jenni said... we get trained on how to match properly, and have a lot of experience with matching daily. There, I've said it, now I'll get off the soapbox and go about my day.

Jen said...

LOL And there you have it folks....straight from a counter girl!!! =) Thanks Codi!!!

Tricia said...

Seriously Jen, where did you get my picture?

Jen said...

HA HAAAAA!!!!! Tricia you are so PeRfEcT!!!!