
Sophie Sunday Selfie

Coming in late...Sophie Sunday! I cannot express how proud I am of this little nugget today. She gave her FIRST talk in primary at church today. She spoke about following Heavenly Fathers commandments and how it makes us happy. Her sweet little voice and her intonations about killed me. Some kids get pretty scared and don’t want to talk so I was expecting that a little. She went straight up to that microphone and said, “Hi my name is Sophie and I’m excited to talk to you today.” My heart about BURST!!! 

Her simple testimony at the end of knowing her Savior lives, knowing He loves her and all of us really touched me. I am so grateful for the calling I have in our congregation of teaching the little kids. They teach me more than I could ever teach them.


Are you ready for Valentines week? I have some wonderful surprises for you this week!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you had a beautiful Sunday Classy Babes.
Ps thank you to mindymcknight for teaching this non hair mom how to do this cute style on Miss Sophie ❤️.

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