
Sophie Sunday Selfie

Sunday’s with Sophie. It’s now a thing. I love twinning with my one and only little miss and I know it won’t last forever so we may as well document it ๐Ÿฅฐ. Today we were pretty in pink (which is a color I hardly EVER wear!). I’ve never thought it looked good on me but looooove the way it looks on Sophie ๐Ÿ’—. ๐Ÿ’—Today I had a lot of feelings. Feelings of gratitude and hope. Hope that the numb feeling I’ve been having spiritually for the last few years is fading. Gratitude that the Lord has done so much for me personally and for my family. Gratitude that for all my shortcomings, my lack of communication with him and effort in general spiritually, His hand is stretched out still. He knows me, He loves me and He’s been there by me even if I haven’t been paying attention. ๐Ÿ’— I remember my days in L.A. right after high school when I had all but lost my faith and my way. I wandered down strange paths and was lost in a fog. I had alienated myself from my family and felt dark inside. ๐Ÿ’— I remember my days as a missionary in Siberia clearly. I remember working hard, feeling the spirit strongly and forgetting myself completely to serve others. I was SO extremely happy and exhausted at the same time from all the effort I was putting in. ๐Ÿ’—Two extremes of feelings from my past and two times in my life I peek back on the most. So happy to be out of one frame of mind and wondering why I can’t be more in the other. I am taking note of where I am right now and realizing I’m not doing my best. I think that’s okay to realize. I’m not being hard on myself, I’m inviting myself to do better so that I can feel more like “myself”. The one that loves to serve and be involved in my community. The one that brings dinners to others, gets up early to be with my kids before they go to school. Reading my scriptures and feasting on their words. ๐Ÿ’— This week I will take time to be still. Take time to listen. Take time to ponder and read my scriptures thoughtfully. My dad even challenged all us kids to read our scriptures in the language of our missions:
Josh: French
Justin (and my dad): Spanish 
Jenni: Russian
Jason: English ๐Ÿ’— Did you have any Sunday thoughts today?

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