
Simply Put, Simply U

Okay ladies....I think I've found it!!!!! I say think because I have now been using this shampoo for two months and it. is. WORKING!!!!!! As you know (per my confession) I have been having the most awful time with my scalp and have tried TONS of treatments and solutions....to NO avail. It has felt like throwing money down the drain! The no poo thing was working but I didn't want to do it ALL the time. I wanted to use the baking soda/water as an occasional treatment more so than a permanent solution. I went to Walmart deTERMINED to find a shampoo sans Phosphates & Sulphates. deTERMINED I tell you!!! Well I found one and have been LOVING it =). I wanted, in the very beginning, to put it straight to the test! I knew that if I washed my hair with a normal shampoo, that my head would be itchy that same day! Not cool = (. Well, I used this shampoo and was fine that whole day. I decided, since it was a week of me not doing ANYthing I could keep going. Two days, Three days, FOUR days and my scalp was still fine! I couldn't believe it, had I found the solution??? I then washed and decided to do so more frequently to see if that would make a difference. I washed every other day and it was STILL okay. Ladies, I say again....I THINK I FOUND IT!!!!! So far so good and THAT is enough for me right now....it's more than enough actually =).


  1. ugh I have never had a problem with an itchy scalp but as of late, it has been getting bad. so so bad. i'll have to give this a try!

  2. Do do DO!!!! I have also never had a problem and was seriously DYING of embarrassment! I am trying super hard to be more "natural" in all things. Guess it can't hurt to have a more natural shampoo =).

  3. I am going tomorrow to get this to try. We are going more natural & the shampoo one stresses me out. I can't go without washing...like ABSOLUTELY CANNOT do it! I tried & it was awful!
    I have figured out facial stuff (honey to wash, coconut oil with lavender & frankincense to moisturize) & deodorant (lavender essential oil neat underarm with coconut oil layered ontop). I'm using native american nutritionals essential oils & LOVE them!

  4. Those are all so gorgeous! you should do a free gift with some attractive Cosmetic items one day!

  5. Jen, have you looked at or tried Ava Anderson shampoo?? It is awesome! I have been researching non-toxic products for personal and home care. They are amazing with educating about products and toxins. Truly wanting to change things in products. They have a list of 16 chemicals to avoid in product ingredients and why. It is amazing how many products out there that say they are natural or look natural/organic are not (called green washing). Anyways, I hope that you have found your answer as it is not fun thing to deal with! If you are interested in the shampoo here is the link to it and the ingredients in it. If you want any other information let me know. I am so excited about their products for me and my family and what they stand for! https://extranet.securefreedom.com/Ava/Shopping/ShoppingCart_Detail.asp?PriceID=1903&Cat=avaHAIR - hair care|ALL&Qty=1

  6. I'm Googling for Simply U because I can no longer find it at Walmart. I have a similar testimony about this product. Love it! If you know where to get it other than Walmart please post!


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