
Search This Blog

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Lately I have been getting a lot of emails in regard to finding things on the blog. In fact this has been a topic for a lot longer than just "lately". When I first started hearing that it was hard I was intimidated to solve the problem. HOW do I do it? WHAT to even look up and do I need to know CODE for this??? {scary} Turns out there was a simple fix albeit still a rather "cheap" one. Until I know Blogger better or switch to something like Word Press I have installed a search bar over on the left hand side. Do you see it? Riiiight up there at the top? Yup! Right there = D. Whatever it is you are searching for just type a key word in there and voila! You'll see a few options and you can click the specific one you are looking for =). I hope that this helps!!! =)

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