
My Husband Does My Makeup

Oh my WORD I was so excited to do this post!!! I had seen some of these tutorials on YouTube and knew I just HAD to do this with Kev. I learned a lot of things while shooting this video. One of the biggest things is that I love my cute hubby. He watches so many of my videos with me so I can show him what I'm doing or ask advice. I now know he pays NO attention at all but does it to be sweet. How do I know this? You have to watch the video! I put out so much stuff for him to use and he passed over almost ALL of it LOL!!! Another thing I learned is that I am really uptight about my makeup = D. I see myself cringing so often! I'm excited for the next tutorial with Kev but we need YOUR help! The next look will be a picture chosen by YOU. Kev and I will choose a picture sent in by one reader and he must try to copy it. It could be off the wall, beautiful, funny, WhAtEvEr!!! I'm so excited to share this with you!!! =D


  1. That is hilarious Jen! It looks like it was fun...so, did you re-do your makeup right away? :)

  2. The two of you are such an adorable couple! Kevin you are fabulous! I'm doing an event in a few weeks, wanna come help? The best part.... THE BIRDS! Before you even said it I guessed that was what it was, I know you too well. Love you guys!!

  3. I'm actually surprised that I didn't wash it off right away. I kind of wished I had though when later on someone rang our doorbell. Insert blush!!! (more than Kev put on in the first place =D)
    Code, I'll let Kev know he has a job offer LOL!!!!! =D

  4. so cute!!! fun video, where did you find a guy who would do that!!! He is made for you Jenni! Loved it.


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