
Halloween Wall Decor

This wall was SO much fun to put together....even though the hands took us a while to figure out LOL. 

If you want to know how to actually MAKE this wall, head over to Libby's tutorial over at the Cozy Coffin. She also has a tutorial on how to make these skulls that we put all over the wall. We first took the wall we made and laid it out on the floor the way it would be hung on the wall.

Then we placed all the Dollar Store skulls (after they had been cut, again see the tutorial here on Libby's site). Took a few trips to get them to the wall lol. 

It looks really good when you do a few singles and then some in clusters. 

Here's a video on how to attach them to the foam wall.

Lanterns and creepy hands went next JUST to see if I needed to move any of the skulls. We would be attaching only the skulls, then hanging the wall onto the wall (you following?) using 3M command strips. THEN adding all the other details.

We got our moss at a local craft store and only got one bushel per color. We just separated them and draped them over the skulls, added to the birdcages and stuffed into cracks.

I had random lanterns and birdcages around the house so I sprayed them the colors I wanted and strung them to the creepy hands that I purchased at At Home. I will say though, I was hoping that I could turn these hands upside down, or that they would be stronger to hold more (we had to jimmy rig the lanterns to stay on). Here are some other ones that are more "grabby" hands. I bought the light up lanterns from Walmart last season at the end of the year so this was the first time I was able to use them. I LOVE doing that!!!! Going to all the after Halloween sales and then feeling like it's Christmas opening up my bins each year....NEW STUFF!!!!! =)

 I also had some moss that I had purchased to make my own fairy garden houses. I glued those on to random spots and cracks and corners and I love the texture they gave! I grabbed some creepy cloth I had laying around and stretched it out till it was perfect to fit around some of the skulls. Throughout the years I will add more and more but I am pretty happy with how it's turned out for this year. What would YOU put on your wall?


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