
Coffee Filter Wreaths With the Cozy Coffin

Hi friends! My name is Libby over at The Cozy Coffin and I'm so happy to be taking over today at Classy! Today we are talking about cute wreaths!


I see these Coffee filter wreaths everywhere but in white. For Halloween I thought it would be a great change to have one in black. But how would be the best way to get the deep dark black I was looking for? Pre-dyeing all the filters with craft paint was one suggestion I came across, but the time for them to dry and the mess just wasn’t something I was up for. So I decided to experiment and see if making them first with just the coffee filter and then spraying it with black spray paint would work. It did! It’s an easy,  inexpensive craft that just takes about 3-4 hours to make. That’s two Halloween movies! Here’s what you will need:

  • Dollar store foam wreath 
  • 1 pkg coffee filters ( dollar store)
  • Glue gun
  • Glue sticks
  • Chopstick ( or something to hold coffee filter onto foam)
  • Scissors
  • Black spray paint 
  • Black, orange, white ribbon

Get comfortable! I just sat in my comfy chair and had a side table with a place to put my glue gun and hold the coffee filters and glue sticks. 

Take 1 coffee filter and twist it onto the chopstick 

Squeeze some hot glue on end

Then place on foam wreath, if it doesn’t stay, try putting a a little in the foam wreath where you are placing it. 

Make sure to hold it there for a minute, until glue is mostly cooled
Get your next filter and repeat the steps, place filter next to first one 
Keep adding filters around the front and side of wreath, don’t do the back

After it all filled in, you will notice some unevenness, just give it a haircut

Next you will spray it black. I just put mine on my grass. You will be using quite a bit to get in all the nooks and cranny’s Make sure you don’t overspray, just keep going back and forth and look at it at all angles. Don’t worry about getting it to deep, just what you can see. 

I then grabbed some ribbon and attached it. I love the old time feel of it! 

I put it with some old lace curtains and some black drapery material, perfect for my haunted mansion! 
Happy Crafting everyone! Be sure to come and see me over at the Cozy Coffin for more fun!

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