
CCPC DAY 5- Childhood

I loved my childhood. I look back on it with fond memories and love. I grew up in California in a tiny town called Lompoc (pronounced lompoke). It had the most beautiful tulips and a wonderful small town feel.  

I grew up with all brothers, my sweet parents and amazing neighbors. I still remember the Marzio’s as the sweetest grandparent neighbors ever! 

We went to Disneyland often because we lived close and I performed there almost every year in my dance troop. 

There are so many things I would love to say to little Jenni. Not to shield her necessarily but just to have a conversation to prepare her. Here are a few things:
1. Chill the junk out. Don’t stress over little things you can’t change and just smile and take it all in. Things happen for a reason. Trust God.❤️

2. Have confidence in yourself. Don’t think “the popular group” is what makes you safe, or confident or even YOU. YOUR behavior defines you. YOUR deeds define you. Be confident!❤️

3. Try EVERYTHING!!!!! If you want to try out for the play, DO it! If you want to try a sport, DO it! Try things that scare you and laugh out the fear.❤️

4. Love your family. They are your eternal support team. Love them and treat them with honor and respect (that includes your cute future family cuz they will be cute 😂).❤️

5. Be good to your body. Fuel it with healthy, as natural as you can things (stay away from alcohol). Find time daily to make your body strong and love every curve you have AFTER you have made them healthy and strong.❤️

(Possible #6...stop plucking your eyebrows, you’ll thank me later 😂)
Now it’s your turn! I can’t wait to see your childhood!!! Be sure to tag me and use the hashtag classyphotochallenge

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