
Tips and Tricks for using the PMD

You guys, I have recently been using the PMD over the past couple weeks and I am OBSESSED!!

I’m always being asked about my skin care routine and I’m always having to disappoint by saying....I don't really have one. BUT NOW!!!!! Oh now, I do. I am approaching my 40th birthday here soon and I figured it's not too late. I can start now and still receive benefits! It's never too late!!!

If you aren’t familiar, PMD stands for Personal Microderm Device. I’m breaking down all the tips and tricks on how it works, how it helps your skin, the different devices offered and ways you can hack it to make your product last longer! 
So here’s how the PMD works. The PMD uses 2 different technologies. The first, most important step, is exfoliation. It’s important to prime your skin with a good exfoliation. The PMD exfoliates your skin by using the spinning disc that is embedded with aluminum oxide crystals. It helps to exfoliate the entire top layer of dead, dull skin and triggers the cell turnover process. This process tells your body to create that new, fresh layer of skin that will be BABY SOFT!

It’s important to do this weekly to help increase circulation and trigger the production of collagen and elastin which equals more firm and toned skin. HOLLER!

Something to note, when you consistently remove the old layer of damaged skin with your PMD, you will fade dark spots from blemishes and hyperpigmentation while also minimizing the appearance of large pores. Who doesn’t want smaller pores? If you’re not sold yet, there’s soooo many more benefits to using the PMD. I’m going to keep going! 

Do you want to look younger? The PMD works to help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It just keeps getting better, right!??? 

The PMD evens out your skin tone and texture, making it so your makeup goes on smooth and BEAUTIFULLY!

One of my very favorite benefits is that the PMD allows skincare products to penetrate into the pores of your skin up to 20x times deeper. This means better absorption of your cleansers, acne washes, oils, serums, and moisturizers so they actually do work for your skin!!!! I mean, who wants to spend a lot on products just to have them not absorb and work???? Not me!

Some people have asked if the PMD is good for sensitive skin. The good news is, it’s good for all different skin types. It’s super customizable and DOES work for sensitive skin. Each PMD comes with different discs. The white is the “ultra sensitive” training disc that you will want to use for your very first treatment. It's like a "tester" to see how your skin reacts to the suction.

Did you know you can also use the PMD on your body? YES, it’s really great if you have uneven skin on your back from blemishes or rough skin on the back of your arms. Your hands are also a great spot to use the PMD, because as we get older they wrinkle and age quickly.

So you may be wondering, how do I use the PMD to reach the maximum benefit for my skin?

First, wash your face with the PMD Clean, use the PMD Pro, rinse with water to get the dead skin off after exfoliating and follow up with toner to remove the dead cells. I love using the PMD Clean because of the various speeds and patterns to get everything off your face and helps with regeneration.

NOW is the time to use your favorite products-whether that be a collagen mask (PMDs is amazing!!!), an acne wash, a cleanser to really wash out your pores, a toner, a serum to brighten your skin... the power of your products is going to be maximized during this time!

Pro tip: The collagen mask is not a one time use you guys!  I’ve noticed there’s SOO much left over product in the package after using it the first time. Be sure to put that extra product left over in the bottom to use for another day, another mask because no one likes wasted collagen. ;)

Check out my full review and demonstration of how to use the PMD. Feel free to leave any comments or questions below!

Don't forget to use CLASSY20 for 20% off at pmdbeauty.com!

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