
Ice Queen

For the first time in forever she accepted the pain, the hurt, the sorrow.  She felt them and let them become apart of her healing.  No loger would she suppress them and act as if everyting was fine.  She accepted that there would be times of complete joy, warmth and contentment....but there is no progress or growth in the comfort zone.  She walked into the cold, knowing it would only be a season, plus....the cold never bothered her anyway.
I'm learning to lean into pain thanks to @simplysadiejane and learning that it makes me stronger.  Makes me wiser and helps me teach my children how to get through tough times.  I am also SO excited to see Frozen 2!!!!! Who's already seen it?  What do you think of my ice queen?  Not a character from the new movie but it was inspired by it for sure ❄.

Products Used:
@paradisepaint in Storm Cloud
@wolfefaceartfx in white
Coconut Flakes
@katvondbeauty Everlasting in Echo

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