
I Love Lucy

I love Lucy....but for realz, I do! My grandma and I would watch them aaaaallllll the time together during my summers as a kid. We would sit and just giggle and giggle at her silly antics. Have I told you I was a nanny? A nanny for a big movie star? Well I was (ladee dah) but sometimes it had its perks! We went to vacation in Palm Springs one time and the house was seriously right out of the 50/60s. It had Lucile Ball memorabilia everywhere so I immediately LOVED it!!! I asked the cook if the original owner had just been a crazy fan. She looked at me like I had lost ma mind and said, “Child? You in Lucille Balls HOUSE!” 😳😳😳 After I got up from fainting I think I spoke to myself all day after that. I’m sitting where Lucille Ball sat. I’m swimming where Lucille Ball Swam. I’m sleeping where Lucille Ball slept.......if ever she slept in the guest quarters 😂. 

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