
Easy Mommy And Me Halloween Costume Ideas for 2016

If you've followed me for a while then you know my heart belongs to Halloween and dressing up ; D.
I'll not share with you the recent heartbreak I felt after hearing certain words uttered by my "old" children..........okay I will!!!! "Mom, can we dress up on our own this year?" beeeeeeeeeeeeeep
After I was resuscitated by medical professionals my husband reminded me that I indeed still had one little smoosh that was down to follow mommy anywhere. Oh my sweet Sophie, will you be buds with me forever? Will you love and adore coordinating outfits and dressing up for Halloween with me always? 
I was so excited when Sophie and I were asked to be apart of such a fun and creative shoot involving the amazing people over at Shabby Apple and Freshly Picked
The objective? Choose a gorgeous Shabby Apple dress and somehow transform it into an easy Halloween costume. Challenge accepted!!!!! 
 I had been eyeing their Nutcracker dress for a while because of it's elegance and clean classic lines. I knew once I looked at it from a costume perspective that it could ROCK as Mary Poppins.
 It really was super simple and I had a blast putting all the pieces together. I bought this hat at a Halloween store for super cheap and just sewed and used a hot glue gun to add the berries, buttons and flowers. The flowers were from the dollar store and the berries were from some old Christmas decor...holler!!! The apron I got from my most trusted Halloween source, Hale Center Theatre in Orem. If you have a local theatre around you, for SURE look into seeing if they rent costumes. Chances are they do and they have amazing costumes from all the plays they've ever done! I pinned one of Sophie's maaaaany bows to the apron and snap! The costume is complete!
I decided that lil Sophie would be Jane and that we could very easily find a darling dress in her wardrobe. The knee high sock are just the run of the mills socks you can purchase at Walmart for super cheap. Just don't roll them or fold them and voila! Her hat was a gift from a baby shower and you may recognize it from her nursery post. I love these darling suede moccs because they go with EVERYTHING! Look at that sweet face {melting heart}. She had so much fun with everyone...but then crashed once it was almost over. Did I hide it well in the group shot? LOL she was OUT!!!
Here are some of the other easy family Halloween costume ideas to check out.
Whitney: Witch and Kitten
Makelle: Circus Crew
Michelle: Neverland Family

All photos taken by the amazing Roxana B Photography

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