
Make It Mondays

Sooooooo let's chat shall we? I remember when I used to come onto this lovely blog of mine constantly. Uploading videos, telling stories and having fun with it all. As time progressed I found it harder and harder to be consistent. Editing videos takes a super long time and is a little draining after a while for me. I still want to make them, don't get me wrong! Maybe just not as frequently. Then Periscope hit the scene for me. I loved the idea of sharing content and answering questions LIVE! No more editing!!! It was fantastic!!! I have found that it is much easier to be consistent on there as well as IG. SO, if you are not already following me on those platforms and would like to, you can find me under the name @classycozmetics (yes the z is intentional so make sure to type it in correctly) ;). 

I have started doing a series called "Make It Mondays" on Periscope where I share some of my FAVORITE recipes. Tried and true, these will NOT let you or your family down!!! I do warn you though....I am not always a "lean" cook and love comfort foods. Maybe you'll be able to make these meals once a month to keep that girlish figure LOL.....I've lost mine already ha! Since these are recipes that I have used a bunch, I have tweaked them for the ultimate flavor payoff and you can't find them on Pinterest (till I make it happen). Ones that we have already made are: my famous sausage lasagna, the BEST garlic parmesan chicken and bean muck.....I PROMISE it's better than it sounds LOL. Today we will be learning my favorite recipe for jambalaya. Oh my word my mouth is watering just thinking about it!!! I usually like to scope in the mornings for these so that you can learn and make it later that night. Come and join us!!!! Just download the app and search for my name in the search bar and you are set. Be sure you notifications are on so that you get a little whistle when I am live.

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