
My Instagram Journey

Holy crazy Summer Batman!!! Love these pics of me and my sweet boys we took for B's super hero party. It was one of many parties I've thrown this season. I made my "POW" headband and these two sweet boys drew and cut out the stars I have on my skirt. And don't they look so muscular and brave? =)  
I have done more this Summer with family, business, friends etc than I have probably all of last year! Just as a little teaser, I am going to be the face of a new personal care line that I am SO excited to share with you!!! More to come on that ; ). It has been rewarding to grow and stretch so much but I hate the fact that I am not doing as many makeup tutorials (which I heart like crazy!). I am still wanting to do a Maleficent look...I know, get with it Jen, that was so ten minutes ago...but I still WANT to!!!!! And as much as I love my computer, it is a little cumbersome and bulky. Can't take it everywhere....but what I CAN and DO take everywhere is my phone. Honestly I think I may need counseling on how to leave it at home every now and then ha! The reason I say this though is because I am posting all the TIME on Instagram. So if you are needing a little "Jen fix" you can find me there at classycozmetics. I do a lot of fashion (for the pear shaped girl),
makeup (duh lol), 
crazy theatre antics 
Blogger events
and thoughts, thoughts, thoughts.
Be sure to follow me there so you can keep up with all of the fun and hear about fun events going on. I would love to meet you! I would love to see what you are up to and learn more about you and your lives. Come and join me!

1 comment:

  1. your hair in the super hero pictures. GORG. I refuse social media, other than this haha. so I miss all the stuff you post! come back soon! good luck with your business(:


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