
Saint Patrick's Day Eyes

Top o the mornin to ya! Have I told you lately that I love the color green on my eyes? It is one of "my  colors" from the color wheel and it just makes me happy every time I put it on. This fun little shoot was done by the amazing Miss Sara Marie from Sara Simpson Photography. It was featured on my Instagram Fashion account complete with outfit details. I have been having so much fun sharing my closet with you guys...and can I say that it is a little freeing? I have been one, like a lot of girls, to be down on myself when I look in the mirror. This creative outlet has helped my own what I love and share it. By talking about the pieces that I love from my closet and explaining why they work for me, it has helped me to compliment myself in a round about way. Not to feel conceited (at all) but more so to point out the positive and be happy with me =). I felt the combination of the outfit and the makeup was just perfect for today! Here's the video tutorial on how you can get your own amazing green and gold glittery eyes. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. When I'm in makeup artist mode, the eyes are my favorite to "paint"! I'm constantly looking for more ideas and tips to create looks faster and easier. Thank you for these ideas!!


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