
Yippee Skippee!!!!!

So you know when you see something and you just MUST have it because of the prettiness of it? The sheer perfection? I love bows, this you all know, and I found the most beautiful pearl and rhinestone ring at Forever 21 years back. Well, my good friend Summer happens to be a fashionista and a HALF sharing her love of all things beauty through TV appearances, blogs and is the owner of the online boutique A Tres Chic. She happened to post on InstaGram the MOST perfect bow bracelet and I about FELL outta my chair (true story, it almost happened!). I had to share it with ya'll since you might want to nab one before they are all gone! Behold it's perfection:
It yearns to be on my wrist this SECOND! It calls to me...."Jen, Jen, I am a bow. You are not complete without me.....Jeeeeeeeeeen.....". Almost haunting right??? Well me and the fam are all geared up to visit the ole stompin grounds of Cali next week and I am SO happy to be adding this little accessory to my packing list. Disneyland won't KNOW what hit em!!! BTW Summer's button is just on the side there so feel free to click and get yourself one so we can be twinsies ; D.

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