
Shabby Apple Winner

Image from Pinterest
I am so excited to announce the Shabby Apple contest winner!!!!! So many of you entered telling me your favorite dresses and I looked up EvErY single one!!! They were all so lovely and beautiful =). Our contest winner was generated by Random.org and it turned out to beeeeeeeeee {drumroll please}...
APRIL G!!!!!!!!!
this is the comment she won with:
"I subscribe to your YouTube channel (user April G.)"
Congrats sister!!! I am so excited for you that you now have $50 toward your purchase at Shabby Apple! What will you buy? What will you be wearing? You must send us in a picture soon =). Please contact me within the 48 hours allotted so that we can get that voucher to you. For all of you other wonderful ladies, thank you for entering and be sure to use the coupon code classy10off toward your next purchase at Shabby for 10% off! Loves and hugs to all =).


  1. Woo-hoo! Thank you so very much! :D

  2. I saw you on LC forum so I came to see your blog, let me tell you that you´ve done a great job with it, please come visit and if you like it it would be great if we could follow each other there on LC, here on GFC or socials, what do you think? To support each other… let me know ok!


Hi there! Thanks for coming to the blog and commenting. I love hearing from you and will answer via email or right back here so make sure to check back. Have a great day!!!