
Follower Fav: Sultry Summer Look

As some of you know our family has been SO busy this summer with vacations, missionary homecomings, swim lessons, soccer, birthday parties and one more...oh yeah BUILDING A HOME AND MOVING!!!!! Some of you have been gracious enough to share with me your favorite tutorials so that I might re-post them. Well cute Emily sent me her fav and it's a more recent one so some of you may have seen it. The Sultry Smokey Eye? Ring any bells? Well, I know that I LoVeD this one as well and got lots of nice compliments from the hubs ; ). Who doesn't LOVE that??? Well enjoy it and know that I really am coming back to play with makeup once the school year starts. Both boys in school = a LOT more time =D!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful look, and with having dark blue eyes, the color choices are great! I would have to say that I think having a Q&A would be a really good idea. Some looks seem to not work as easily for me with my almond shaped eyes, I don't have as much surface area around my eye to work with so it'd be wonderful to have a spot where I could ask about ways to overcome issues pertaining to specific looks! Thank you for sharing your skills with everyone, you're wonderful! :)


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